AYF is an umbrella body for youth organizations across the African premised on the notion that youth have an integral role to play in the development of their respective nations It aims to see a repositioned, redefined and enhanced role of youth in community, national, regional and global developmental processes. Coordination; Capacity building; access to social services and effective youth platforms are hallmarks in AYF’s work.

AYF is determined and committed to provide a space and voice for African youth and youth organisations to set and drive their own agenda, promote the involvement of young people as key partners in the implementation of the Africa 2063 Agenda as well the UN Agenda 2030 for sustainable development, support advocacy actions on the ratification and implementation of the African Youth Charter, other youth rights-based legal instruments and contribute to advancing the AU Shared Values through a network of locally based youth actors.


A platform where African youth can harness their full potential, pursue their ambitions to the fullest and achieve their dreams.



Providing an appropriate platform for African youth to develop social, economic,  and leadership skills so as to enhance their participation in the overall African development processes of life.


Our Objectives

  • To partner with other Pan African organizations with a focus on youth development, to ensure a relevant, impactful and unified youth development agenda across the African continent.

  • To create  project plans  and campaigns so  that  young people can  be integral  in the achievement of  the  African  development Agenda (Agenda 2063) and sustainable development

  • To be a Centre for  information on youth work and development, and accordingly collect, monitor, analyze and disseminate information including the exchange of experiences and best practices in youth-led development; and to provide a website, online resources and

  • To be a unified voice for youth  in the African continent; and to encourage and extend, as appropriate, assistance to African  countries, in particular small states,  in the promotion and acceleration of their youth development strategies.

  • To be a Centre for mobilizing, harmonizing, formalizing, recognizing, legitimizing, utilizing, and prioritizing the voices and actions of young people in the advancement of youth

  • To be a continental regional platform which mainstreams young people into the work of the AU structures at all levels; supporting and advocating for an enabling environment that facilitates  the active participation and influence of young people in decision-making processes, and the consideration of youth-specific needs in all policy areas.

  • To contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the African Union by promoting mutual collaboration among African youth, and working in partnership with state and non-state  actors in order to  empower the young people  of the African Continent, without distinction of race, ethnic origin, caste, colour, sex,  gender, sexual orientation, disability, special needs, socio-economic status, marital status, language, religious belief or political opinion

Our Values & Principles


We understand that community service through volunteerism will instill the spirit of change in the African Youth


we believe young people from all walks of life should be willing and engaged in matters that affect them.


Interventions and practices have been thoroughly examined to transform the lives of African Youth.


We shall be required to recognize the innate worth of African Youth.


We shall be required to ensure equal opportunity for everyone, irrespective of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, HIV status, colour, class, ethnicity, disability, location or religion


Being accountable at all levels for the effectiveness of their actions and open in their judgments and communications with others


Being accountable at all levels for the effectiveness of their actions and open in their judgments and communications with others